Contact Us
St Paul's relies on the generosity of its members to stay open.
Many give through the Parish Giving Scheme, either with one-off gifts or in regular instalments. If you would like to know more, please download our giving form, and consider using Gift Aid. You can also give online by following the link below:
Stewardship page

St Paul’s is also a drop-off point for the Hygiene Bank. We welcome donations of toiletries and hygiene products, which can be re-distibuted to people in our borough.
Please bring new, unused, in-date personal care and household cleaning essentials – including deodorant, period products, shower gel, shampoo, make-up, nappies, toilet roll, laundry detergent and surface cleaner – and put them in the yellow box inside the church doors. The rule of thumb is: if you need them and use them then it is likely someone else needs them and uses them too.